Express Your Interest

We are all looking forward to the Picnic in the Park on Friday at Kings Park where we will be joining students from Casa Mia Montessori, Perth Montessori and The Montessori School. This is a fun event where our students will be involved in a range of sport activities with the children from the other schools whilst enjoying the beautiful surrounds of the May Drive parkland and playground. Our students will travel by chartered bus and are required to have a hat, sunscreen and a packed “waste wise” lunch and snack to enjoy on the day.

I am very excited to announce the opening of the new Lakelands Infant Toddler Program from 20 April 2021 at the Lakelands Community House, 20 Dalona Parkway, Lakelands.  Carla Darcy will be our new Playgroup Leader for the Lakelands playgroup.  This new playgroup means families with children between one and three years of age have the choice of our Rockingham, Pinjarra or Lakelands Infant Toddler Program to commence their Montessori journeys in.  Whilst we anticipate that both the Pinjarra and Lakelands playgroups will feed into our new southern campus and Rockingham will continue to feed into the Rockingham campus, families have the choice of attending any playgroup site and completing one or more sessions per week.  With regards to our Southern campuses we met with City of Rockingham on Friday 26 February and eagerly await any further requests for documentation on either the Adolescent or Primary Schools sites to progress final approvals.  Once received we look forward to sharing plans with all families.

I am very pleased to introduce families to our two new advisory groups in the Adolescent Program.  Our third Senior School advisory which commenced at the beginning of this year has been named the Sea Dragons with Leo Keith as the Advisor for this group.  Our new Middle School advisory, with Michelle Langley as the Advisor, has been named Noorn which is Snake in Noongar language.  Our second Sub School has been named Boorna Marlak which is Land Animals in Noongar and our Hammerheads group which commenced the second Sub School in 2020, has been renamed Koobalong which is Frog in Noongar.  Over the coming months our first Sub School and the six advisories with names from sea creatures which come under this sub school, will also be renamed to incorporate Noongar language.  We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, languages, literatures and literacies. We support students developing an awareness and appreciation of, and respect for the literature of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Program at the Rockingham Primary School site is growing in numbers each week.  We are delighted to be able to offer this service to families as it enables your child to have only one other point of care through the day apart from the family home.   Our OSHC staff have a strong understanding of Montessori practice and will align all activities to our school ethos.  Please contact reception@rms.wa.edu.au to book a place in the OSHC program and also to secure your place for our Term one School Holiday Program.

A huge thank you to Ben Liebenberg for working with our adolescent students again for this year’s honey harvest.  Our bees are located at the Karnup property and we encourage you to get in early to secure your jar of delicious honey from either the Adolescent Program or Primary school reception.

Kind regards,
