Express Your Interest

This year thousands of Montessorians from everywhere around the World are joining in a global celebration of the 150th anniversary of birth of Maria Montessori. The theme for this wonderful celebration is “Embracing the 21st Century: Montessori for a better world for all”.

We will also be celebrating here at Rockingham Montessori! Each class is making a visual arrangement of the Montessori materials they use every day, with each picture containing a “secret word”. These pictures will be made into puzzles. On Monday 31st August, Montessori’s birthday, the children will have fun putting together the puzzles and finding the “secret word” in each one. Later the children will rearrange the “secret word” from each puzzle to form a sentence about Maria Montessori’s vision for education. What an amazing person she was and her vision for education is stronger than ever! Happy Birthday Dr Montessori!

Deb Dwyer – Dolphin Class Teacher